Pranks And Revenge Ideas!


Submitied ideas
Computer pranks
Drive through/road pranks
About us
Restraunt pranks
Tips and Hints
Revenge ideas
Telephone Pranks
Home Pranks
Nahboorhood Pranks
School Pranks
Super Market Pranks!

These are just other things that did not fit our other catogories.


------=====How to piss off a tele-marketer guide!!!======------
*Keep telling the tele-marketer "cmon i know that its you, "your friends name here"
*Act like a total retard and say really stupid things. Like: "uuuuhhhhh.....what is aaaa (their product here) If they ask to talk to someone older, give the phone to another person and tell him to act even more retarted.
*Ask them totaly off the subject questions. Heres an example:
TM: do you want to buy some auto insurence?
You: Soooo what is your favorite food?
*Keep asking them, if they can repeat something. When they do, ask him what it means, how do you spell it, ect.
*Get a blown up bag ready. When they call, in the middle of their "Diobolic Preaching" Say "Hey get out of my house! What da..... Then pop the bag. next say "OH MY GOD ive been shot!!! Tell them to stay on the line for awile. Then after 2 or 3 minutes, ask them a totaly normal question in a totaly normal voice like..."So    what are you doing tonight?" Or "Welll     whats your favorite sport?" Be sure to act totaly drimatic and make it sound belevable.
----======** Home-Made Stink Bomb guide! **=====-----
For all you people who dont know how to make stink bombs.
Stink bombs are kinda silly but alot of people ask how to do this so i have to include it!
Stink bombs are really easy to make, anyone can do it and the best part is it lets you be creative!
Heres some basic ingredeants:
*Raw meat
One of the best ingredeants. Eather buy some from the store or get some roadkill. Once you let it rot this will smell really bad. I think almost any home-made stink bomb needs at least some raw meat.
*Body Fluids.
Pee works best but you can also use poo and vomet. This is really usefull too.
*Non-hardboiled eggs.
Letting them rot will give your stink bomb that nasty egg smell. Try using at least one.
Heres some questions to think about before adding an ingrediant not mintioned here.
How bad does it smell?
Will the smell last long?
Does it mix well with your other ingredents?
(Dont use vinigar and baking soda cause it will blow up!)
Does the smell travel?
Does it get worse the more it sits un-disturbed?
***Preparing the stink bomb.***
To make the stink bomb, Get a glass gar (something that sunlight can get through.)
Mayo jars, Ragu jars, salsa jars and that sort usually work the best. Now just add the ingredeants. Be sure to mix well. Now cover the bottle up and screw it tightly! Then go set it in an extreamly sunny place. Dont put it in the oven cause it will cook the meat. Let it sit undisturbed for about a month.
***Placing the stink bomb.***
Remember, do not open it untill your ready to use it. Heres one of my favorite qoutes and please lisin to it:
"Put it were no one will find it, but everyone will smell it!"
The best places are behind chairs, and desks, inside lockers (the smell will seep through the vints).
----You can also mix eggs, olive oil and vinigar. It wont smell that bad but it makes you gag alot!
----=====**  Classroom War guide! **=====---------
These are pretty much just ideas to fight in the classroom to avoid physical confrontation.
Ive been doing these quite a while and they are pretty fun!
---Classroom weapons---
These are pretty much just a rubber band and folded peaces of paper. Its pretty much just a slingshot without the handle, or ammo holder.
Damage: 4/5
Range: 2/5
Accuricy 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Loading: 2.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5
Good up-front kinda weapon, due to the speed and damage.
To use hornets you will need: a rubber band. (be sure its thin enough to pull back hard put thick enough to not brake. You will need paper to make ammo.
To make ammo, just fold up the paper really right into a long rectangle about this long:
  Then make it into a V shape by folding it straight in the middle.
Make it really really tight, cause then it will hurt more.
Now make an L with your index finger and your thumb. Put the rubber band over both of these fingers. Then put the bullet over the rubber band, pull back, aim and shoot.
*Hornets are one of the best point-blank weapons.
*The harder you pull the rubber band, the more power is in the hornet, but the greater risk the rubber band will brake.
Tube Gun
AKA the spitball shooter, or blowgun, these are one of my personal favorites. Very usefull.
Damage: 3/5
Range: 3/5
Accuricy: 3/5
Speed: 3/5
Loading: 2.5/5
Overall: 4/5
These are decent up-front weapons, and long range weapons, that can be usefull an any situation. They are also the simplest to get ammo for, due to the fact they can shoot anything thats small enough and fits in the barrel.
All you need for this is a tube for the shooter. Any kind of tube will due and some tubes are better then others. Straws, small pipes, hallowed out pens and markers, ect...
Ammo is really easy to get. You can chew up paper for spitballs (A slow but powerfull method)
You can also make balls of clay and use them. This is one of my favorite methods. And the best ammo (but hardest to get) would have to be air soft BB's. These can be purchased at Wal-mart or Academy.
All you do is load up the ammo at one end of the shooter, and blow out of the same end.
*The longer you make the barrel, the more accurite it will be. Just get like 2 of the same size shooters and tape em toghether.
*If your using air soft BB's, you can put like 70 in your mouth at the same time, breathe in a huge breath through your nose, and blow really hard, they will all shoot out. Its pretty much like a machene gun.
*The more you chew a spitball, the less farther it will go, but if you chew it enough, it will stick to paper, desks, or even skin! If your going in for a close shot, make your spitball really soggy.
*You can bend a paper clip around the shooter to make a bayonet. Isnt extremly effective, but it looks cool and is pretty intimidating.
Rubber Band Rifle
One of my personal creations, the rubber band rifle is a great weapon to use if your not pateant and want to hit someone in one shot.
Damage: 3.5/5
Accuricy: 5/5
Range: 3/5
Speed: 3.5/5
Loading: 2/5
Overall: 4.5
This is the perfect sniper rifle. Really accurite with pretty high range and good speed.
The one drawback is that the ammo can be hard to get without a rubber band ball, or something, and it can be hard to load.
To make: get a perfectly strait stick about 1.5 or 2 feet long. The bars on a clothing rack are good.
Now on one of the ends, cut a slit right in the middle about 1/2 inch deep.
To shoot, put a rubber band through the slit and pull it back untill you think it cant go much farther, then press it down to the gun with your thumb. Then just let go. The rubber band will flly off.
*You can stick a thumbtack into the side of your stick and pull back rubber bands, from the slit and around the tack, so they will hold there. Reduses reload time.
*If you dont have a rifle, but you have rubber bands, you can substitute with a pencil.
Not near as effective, but is still accurite to a short range.
_____=====***How to be the most annoying   ***=====_____
______======***  kid in your class guide!          ***=====_____
The title is pretty self explanitory but theres many ways to do it.
*Blirt out answers that are totaly off the subject.
Try "numeric values" in history or english and famus people in math. 
*Make "political cartoons" about your history teacher. Make tons of copys and pass em around.
*Whenever the morning annoncements come on, screem really load "ITS THE VOICES IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!"
*Rase your hand to go to the bathroom. When the teacher says "yes" just stay in your seet. When he askes "Arnt ya gonna go to da bathroom?" say i just did.
*Keep on rasing your hand and insist the person on the opposite side of the room is copying your answers.
*Hide someones backpack or book bag somewere.
Thats all we got please send more!!!


Remember..."Dont get mad, get Even!"