*Place pepper or flour (or both) on the fan blades. The next person to turn on the fan is in for a big suprise! (one
of my favorites)
*Put a rubber band (or tape) over a dishwasher nozzle to were the trigger is pushed all the way down. Be sure to aim
it to were the next person to use the sink gets water spraid right at em! (This ones a classic but i though i'd put it here
just in case someone doesn't know about it.)
*Whenever your sibling or parent is done using the bathroom, quickly sneek in there and make it look really messy.
(If you can, use the pot and dont flush.) Whoever uses it next will get mad at your victom because they think that he/she
was the last one to use it! If they ask you, just say I was it my room and I haven't used that restroom today.
*Get a halloween mask and stuff it with a bunch of clothing. It should look like a monster head. Now place it in a strategic
place so whoever goes there will get freaked out! A few good places are: In a kitchen cabnet, in a wardrobe, in your moms/sisters
makeup cabnet, or maybe under their pillows or the bed covers.
*Put flour in someones hair drier. Pepper works good too. (Yet another classic)
*Get any kind of musle relaxing cream (icy hot or balm work good) and put it on the toilet seet (a Classic)
*Tape down the sink fosset so that the water squirts everywere. Also use clay.
*Put food colering in all the liquids in the fridge. (Another classic)
*Put some kind of liquid thats really nasty (vineger, xtreamly salty water, and such) in the fridge with food colering.
Looks like ordinary juice but it doesnt taste like it.
Thats all for now
If you have any please email us!