Pranks And Revenge Ideas!

About Us!

Submitied ideas
Computer pranks
Drive through/road pranks
About us
Restraunt pranks
Tips and Hints
Revenge ideas
Telephone Pranks
Home Pranks
Nahboorhood Pranks
School Pranks
Super Market Pranks!

Information on the webmaster and our staff members!

This website used to be run by me and my friend, but he got too busy to work on it so he gave it to me!
About the website.
Pranks: Everybody likes pranks! Pranks have been around a long time and are still practiced today. There creative, positive and fun! (Not for the victoms though!)
(And i highly doubt anyone thinks there positive!, but nobody can say they arnt creative!)
Getting Even:
I really do believe that getting even is a good way to deal with the situation.
On noumorus occations, the art of revenge has helped me through life.
Letting someone beat you around everyday makes you feel bad inside. Everybody gets messed around with (sometimes, even me and my friends) during there lifes. But not everybody stands up for themselfes and "fights back"
   Thats why i made this website. To teach people how to stand up the cunning way!  Beating somebody up is one thing but ruining there lives with noumourus practicle jokes is something else!!! Its usually more safe, evil and most importantly, fun!
Website Purpose:
I made this website to help people have fun with some practicle jokes, or to get revenge on someone you hate. This website is here to help people out!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About the Creator (Thats me)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
About me:
Name: John
Likes: Food, pulling pranks, watching T.V, emailing, video games, Bar-B-Q, playing guitar, movies, swimming, food, and most importantly having fun!!!
(Did i forget to metion food?)
Dislikes: Bieng bored, and bieng hungry. I dont like Bleach eather.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About The staff:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Member #1 hasnt submited his thingy yet. So il put up #2's)
Staff Member #2
Name: Evan
Likes: Games
Dislikes: lame-ness
Favorite color: Dark green
Favorite sport: Ping-pong
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite car: "cars are lame" FLYING SCOOTER IS WERE ITS AT!!!"
Favorite holiday: x-mas
Favorite Actor: Dont have one
Favorite animal: Turtle
Favorite movie: "The Host"
Favorite video game: Super-Smash Bro's, Timesplitters and WoW.
Favorite sports team: Dont know any
Dream occupation: Professional Bad-Ass
Other: PS3 isnt that cool

About us/Links page

Remember..."Dont get mad, get Even!"