Pranks And Revenge Ideas!

Revenge ideas!

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NOTE: Revenge and pranks are deffrent. Pranks are just everyday, casual common jokes. Revenge is much more serous. It envolves getting even with someone who has severly wronged you in the past. It is to be taken much more seriously.
           This is for informational purposes only. That means what you do with this information is not our fault!!!

Well first of all: most of these things here are not normal pranks. They are much more serious and the punishment can be much larger, making them more risky then everyday pranks. "But with greater risks comes greater rewards" some old guy who i didn't even know exested untill a few seconds ago says! By doing any of the following ideas you are automaticly agreeng to our terms and agreements (which you cannot view because i said so!), they state that we ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU GET BUSTED!!! So if you do anything listed below it IS NOT OUR FAULT if you get cuaght.
Thats all we wanted to say!
*Fun with choclate!
Evilness level: 8 out of 10. This one is not very nice and can be really bad if your caught. Only attempt if the target is a total prick and really deserves something wrong.
To do this you will need: 1 family baking resepie that envolves choclate, (Brownies, cake ect..)
1 pack of choclate flavored ex-lax, and a tiny bit of syurp of epekac. (thats probly miss-spelled)
What to do: Make your resipie dont change ANYTHING untill it calls for choclate. Instead, put in a little bit of normal choclate and the rest, choclate ex-lax. Then add in the tiny bit of syurp. ONLY A TINY BIT THIS STUFF IS STRONG!!!! Now just bake the cookies of cake or whatever your making.
Now find a way to get the victom to eat your food. Maybe bribe one of their friends to give it to him without telling who they are from. (if this doesnt help, then feel almost free (just kidding) free to email us!) Once they eat the food it will only be a matter of time.....Soon they will digest the laxitives which will start draining everything out of their body, along with the syurp. The results: they will have phases throughout the day of powerfull, uncontroled vomiting along with frequent bathroom urges which will cause liquid diareha and explosive farting. There whole day will be living hell. They will probly go home throwing up out of the window every chance they get and the explosive diareha will run and run and run untill it pours out of their butt, ruining everything in its path, like car seats, undies, pants, and will make anyone neaver touch that person again!
************************************Foam time bombs!******************************
Evilness level: 5 out of 10. This ones not too bad, but the more you put the worse it is. (duh)
To do this, you will need: any number of new cans of shaving cream (the more the better, at least 10), a freezer, and a can opener. (Maybe a knife but that might leed to a painfull accedent)
What to do: Get all of the cans of shaving cream and put all of them in the freezer. Let them stay there a long time (2-3 days maybe.) Then you have to wait untill you get a chance to get access to your victoms house. (We advise you not to brake in!) The best time is like a big party or something. Then find your victoms room, and put frozen shaving cream in all of his cabnets, cubbies, drawrs, and such. Now use your can opener and remove the top off of all the cans.  Now just leave, your work is done. Pray to god that the victom does not find the shaving cream untill its too late. If he finds it before, the plan is ruined, he will not know what its doing here and probobly throw it away. If he finds it after its too late, it worked.
The frozen shaving cream will de-thaw. And that will cause it to expand several times its own size. All of that shaving cream will slowly gush out of the top of the can which will make him re-wash all of his clean clothing, it will ruin any paperwork that gets in its way and is a real bitch to clean up! One is really hard, two is worse but at least 10 is not even human anymore.
******************************Garuenteed "F"***************************
Evilness level:   8 out of 10.  This one is bad. Its worse then some of the others. It can mess up somebodys life pretty bad.
What you will need: You dont really need any suplies at all, just the proper conditions. (il explain what the hell im talking about below!)
 You have to be in at least one class, or have a friend in at least one class with the victom.
What to do:  Well first of all, everybody knows how in school, you turn your work into something called a "workben" or maybe a "homework basket"? Everybody who does there work turns it in there, or the teacher will pick it up and leave it on there desk to be graded later. Well what you need to do is: Every time your victom turns in there homework assinment, or test or whatever. Go to the work basket and pretend to turn your work in. When your sure the coast is clear, take your victoms assinment out of the basket. You should probobly bring a binder in your hand to help hide it.    Guess what happens next!  Your victom will get a zero for that assinment. Okey one zero doesnt sound too bad right? Well what about 2 zeros? 3 zeros?  Hell! what about 10 or 11?  All you have to do is remove every assinment of your victoms that you can out of the "work ben"! The teacher will neaver get the assinment and give the victom a zero. Keep up this, and your victom will get a "gaurenteed F" in that class! 
Those are all the ideas I have now if those didn't help you then fill out the form below and send it to: If i choose to help you, i will contact you and tell you what i think you should do. (Ive been doing this kind of stuff for my whole life so im an expert, i don't mean to brag though)
(If you are not comfertible answering some of these questions then leave it blank, we respect your privicy and want to help you get even! You only must answer the spisified questions.
Note: You cannot leave this part blank, we need to call you something, even if its a fake name.
Last name:
How you heard about us:
Contact info (email adress cell number ect):   
NOTE: You cannot leave this blank.
Story (who the person is, what he does to make you hate him/her.)
(You guessed it! we need this part too so we know wtf is going on!)
Victom info (your victoms email adress, phone number ect)
(if you dont know any, leave blank.)
Other: (anything else you wish to tell us that we did not ask for)
(if there is none, leave blank.)
Revenge/prank staff
it will take us a day or two to respond so hang in there till we get involved!
(Note:  If you are one of my personal friends, send your form to my personal email adress if you want to get faster service.)

Revenge ideas

Remember..."Dont get mad, get Even!"