Pranks And Revenge Ideas!

Computer Pranks!

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Wrather your a computer geek or not you should be able to have fun with these!


*Open up Microsoft speech and type something like 10 times." Then do copy/paste untill the speech bar is filled up with your qoute.
Then hit the speech button with the volume all the way up and lock your computer. (Flag button and L) Just in case you did not know, microsoft speech is in the control panel in the start menu on a windows computer.
*Open up Microsoft Narrator with the volume all the way up. That pretty much just calls out every thing you do on the computer in a really annoying, gay comp voice. To get there, open up start, all programs, accesories, accebility, and then narrator.
*Do the same thing as above exept use "On screen keyboard" My friend uses this to cheat in typing class and it gets the teacher mad.
*Make a fake email adress and pose as someone you hate. Send everyone  emails that say really offensive stuff. Yahoo is easy to set up new phony accounts. 
*Unplug all the keyboards and mouses and plug them into another computer.
*Switch the keyboards or mouses around so everone works on someone elses comp.
(its a little easer then the 1st one but easer for the victoms to figure out.)
*Set a desktop image as text saying "Error loading bitmap data. Please check the bmp file to fix this problem."  Computer "noobs" are the best targets.
*Make the "Brightness and contrast" all the way on zero. the screen should be totaly black. Then turn off the moniter. Whoever tries to turn on the moniter will think its broken cause the screen is still black.
*Turn off the virus protector and the firewall. Popup blockers work well too.
*Put your victoms email adress in one of those pop ups. Then you just let the big annoying compony junk-mail them and you dont have to send him junk yourself.
Get your friends to join in to make alot more junk-mail.
*Slow down the mouse speed enough so the victom gets pissed, or speed it up untill the victom wont be able to use it. To do this, go to the start menu, then control panal (Middle right-hand side usually) then go to "mouse" and then "motion" (Thx Hawk)
Thats all i got please send in more!!!

Computer Pranks

Remember..."Dont get mad, get Even!"